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Flake Ice Machine Sea Water - Akay Soğutma

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Flake Ice Machine Sea Water

The needs of the flake ice machine will be met exactly where sea water is required. It is designed and manufactured with special materials and workmanship in order to increase the durability of the ice machine and to reduce corrosion as the effect of sea water. It quickly turns the water taken from the sea into ice and maximizes the efficiency obtained with its high capacity operation. Our devices are produced with chrome chassis as a counterweight to salt water.

Where is Sea Water Ice Machine Used?

The ice machine represents the machines that many sectors should definitely use. Considering the benefits of the ice to be obtained, the areas where flake ice machines are used in general are listed as follows;

It is used extensively in the fishing field. It is used in fishing boats to convert sea water to ice easily and quickly.
It is used to maintain the lively appearance of the fish offered for sale in the fish aisles of the markets and to prevent the problem of staleness.
It is used in farms established to produce fish, giving a direct effect on production capacity.
It is used to be added to the dough in places that produce bread or bakery products.
The sea water ice machine is used in the slaughterhouses of turkeys and chickens for the purpose of freezing and washing with ice water.

The ice machine provides great benefits to every sector in which it is used and helps to earn income indirectly.

Quality in Seawater Ice Machine

The ice machine must be made of quality materials and professional workmanship must be used for efficient and trouble-free use of sea water. The ice machine, which is of high quality in every aspect, maintains its stainless and durable structure for a long time. In addition, it does not cause any decrease in efficiency due to use. Thus, it prevents the emergence of additional costs.

In order to meet all expectations for flake ice, we provide service within the framework of an understanding that does not compromise on quality. You can reach us both the quality of the material we use and the technical specifications by visiting us at any time. By sending your questions to our technical support team, you can reach complete, accurate and clear information in a short time, and you can reach the environment of trust you want for your choice. Contact us so that your work progresses properly.

+90 212 883 50 42

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